
This blog has been started as a companion to my main blog about abuse, so as to prevent the anti-bestiality posts from overrunning that site’s main purpose.  The two sites are linked, however, by a fundamental focus on opposing abuse of others, and to educating people about the differences between abuse and healthy relationships and interactions.  Some articles are and will be cross-posted as they deal with both subjects; others will remain exclusively on one blog or the other.

I’ve always had pets, and for many years, I’ve been involved to some extent in pet rescue and animal health concerns and training in several different venues.  I have always been vehemently opposed to animal abuse, and learned a lot in my days volunteering with different organizations that are dedicated to rescue, and just to educating the public about pets in general, as well as providing forums for discussion.

After stumbling across another blog written for people who have been victims of childhood sexual abuse that includes posts about forced bestiality and its effects on people (including in ritual abuse), and how childhood sexual abuse also affects them terribly negatively even if they seemed to like it while it was happening,  my interest in further exploring the effects on both people and animals of bestiality in any format started to grow, and so I started to write about it on my other blog.  Finding out that someone from my past is involved with a publicly self-admitted bestialist further galvanized my desire to widely expose the issues.

The more I started to study the subject, the more I realized I want to write about it in the interest of trying to protect as many other animals from this abominable activity as possible, so here we are. I will try to make this blog as much a compendium of information about bestiality and how and why to stop it – and recognize it both for what it is and what it is not – as my other blog does with human abuse.  The taboos about this subject are so strong that it’s difficult to find good data, but information does exist, and hopefully more will come to light from peer-reviewed sources to document what anyone ever involved in animal rescue already knows about what a terrible problem bestiality can be, both for people and the animals, in addition to other forms of animal abuse.  Most of the existing data deals with the effects on people, and physical damage to animals, but there is more out there that shows how what may look like something innocent at times can still threaten the very lives of these creatures we are charged with taking care of.  We need to bring this practice and the problems it creates to much greater public awareness, horrible as it is to contemplate.

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